Health & Wellness Programs

Health & Wellness Programs
These initiatives develop young people's capacity to engage in positive behaviors that nurture their own well-being, set personal goals and live successfully as self-sufficient adults. These K-12 programs are tailored to encompass appropriate material for each stage of growth and development. From establishing positive social emotional wellbeing in elementary school to making appropriate choices when faced with peer pressure as adolescents, kids are given the tools necessary for success.

Positive Action
Positive Action is based on the intuitive philosophy that we feel good about ourselves when we do positive actions. The Thoughts-Actions-Feelings Circle (TAF) illustrates how this works in life: our thoughts lead to actions and those actions lead to feelings about ourselves which in turn lead to more thoughts. When this cycle is negative, students do not want to learn. When this cycle is positive, students want to learn. The essence of the program is to emphasize those actions that promote a healthy and positive cycle. The Positive Action program works through these concepts in a systematic way.

Smart Moves
SMART Moves uses a team approach that involves Club staff, peer leaders, parents and community representatives. Young people ages 6 to 15 engage in discussion and role-playing, practicing resilience and refusal skills, developing assertiveness, strengthening decision-making skills and analyzing media and peer influence. The ultimate goal is discourage children and youth from substance abuse and adolescent sexual involvement through the practice of responsible behavior. With our youngest group of children we're focusing more on social emotional wellbeing and diving into more complex topics with teens.

Smart Girls
SMART Girls is a small-group health, fitness, prevention/education and self-esteem enhancement program designed to meet the developmental needs of girls in three age groups, spanning ages 8 to 18. Through dynamic sessions, participatory activities, field trips and mentoring opportunities with adult women, Club girls explore their own and societal attitudes and values as they build skills for eating right, staying physically fit, getting good health care and developing positive relationships with peers and adults.